May 3, 2008

Hunting art prize

This year, I was honored to be selected as a finalist for the hunting art prize. Here is a photo of me standing beside my piece at the gala.

April 14, 2008

Untitled stained glass

This is another detail of the same installation. For many of my pieces during this time, there is a fascination with the filtering of light that is evident here. This can be poignant, compelling, or even oddly spiritual.


This piece was a full year in the making, serving as countertop, paint collector, and finally finished piece. Fun fact: The back of this piece is also a piece all of its own (recently completed). More on that to come.

April 13, 2008

This is a detail of the same area of the installation featured yesterday.

April 12, 2008

This is a floor shot of my 2007 installation You Can't Beat The System at Project Row Houses, Houston.

April 11, 2008


April 10, 2008

Third Ward - 7

The last in the recent mini-series of photographic works. I just think this cup is so compelling, and completely changed by the environment it's been in. It's funny, we usually think of it the other way around.

April 9, 2008

Third Ward - 5

Another photographic work highlighting the refuse in my neigborhood. I think this one came out very well.

April 8, 2008

Third Ward - 2

I enjoy the subtle color changes across this photograph. It's more formal than many of my pieces, but it relates to trash anyway.

April 7, 2008

Curtain to Studio

This piece is made out of a shower curtain. It functioned as a doorway to my studio for much of 2006-7... Until the broken mirror bits became a safety hazard. I still enjoy it very much as a mixed media piece.

April 6, 2008

Studio Snapshot

This is a snapshot of my studio floor, taken sometime in 2007. You can see several small panels in progress. This sort of epitomizes the way I work- disordered, colorful, and messy.

April 5, 2008

Magenta Mixed Media

This is a detail of a very heavily textured grunge canvas. I love the effect that dirt gives when mixed with acrylic paint, it's very satisfying.

April 4, 2008

Stamp Collage

This trash-inspired collage is very colorful and the entire thing is reminiscent of a postage stamp.

April 3, 2008

Plexiglass work in progress

This is pretty interesting, a snapshot of a figure painted on plexiglass in my studio. The final result of this over another canvas is a finalist in the 2008 Hunting Art Prize.

April 2, 2008

Sacred Heart Image

I've recently become interested by religious art and iconography. In this piece, I put a modern interpretation on an old design idea and I think the results are interesting.

April 1, 2008

Lynx Drawing

Although the paper is cheap, this doesn't fit exactly in with the theme of this blog but I thought what the hey, happy April fool's day.

March 30, 2008

Albino Ferret on Junk Mailer

It's amazing the value range you can get with a white paint pen on a toned page. I'm really pleased with how this one came out. I think it's a good example of how I like to use activated backgrounds to work off of.

March 18, 2008

This piece is titled "Why did you paint us monstrous clowns?"
It is acrylic on cardboard. In somewhat related news, my advanced painting studio had a guest artist critique yesterday and it was very productive. Christopher Sperandio was the visiting artist who (not coincidentally) is a finalist in the selection for Rice's newest tenure track studio professor. He is a very interesting artist and I can't wait to see the other two finalists.

March 13, 2008

self-portrait on cardboard

This piece is very large (bigger than me- probably 7 feet tall). The medium is acrylic on cardboard, with masking tape. I had several issues with it at first, but I think it's growing on me. This is a detail of the face. In the full version, it extends down to mid-chest.

March 11, 2008

Detail of Auction Piece

This is a detail of a large wall painting done with found signage and latex housepaint. It was part of my 2007 installation You Can't Beat The System at Project Row Houses, a community-driven alternative art space that is composed of many renovated shot gun houses in the third ward. Working there was a great experience.

February 29, 2008

February 23, 2008


sink, originally uploaded by rowdyferret.

Not too much to say about this one. It's my sink. And one of my favorite pieces I've made. Too bad I can't keep it. Because it's the sink. That lives in my studio. Media: steel, newsprint, refuse paint washes (get it?).

February 22, 2008

Studio Shot

While sorting out my iPhoto libraries (I'd love to use iView, but alas, I am a college kid who can't afford legit Photoshop, much less decent helper apps) I ran across this photo I took of my studio space. I realize it may be confusing to look at, since it is a photo of two photographs used in a mixed media installation piece. See, I was there and I took it and I'm still not sure I understand that. So the photo itself in this case is the art (though it is also documenting a detail of my installation.) In any case, I hope you enjoy it.

February 21, 2008

Drawing on pine

I salvaged this board from a family dentistry sign that had fallen down in my neighborhood (this piece read "fa/de"). The colors and textures were lovely as-is, but being the meddling artist I am, I had to throw in something. And because no other models were available, it became a self portrait.

February 20, 2008

Self portrait on board

This was a quick self-portrait done in my studio the other day. The support is just a found piece of some kind of board. The medium is acrylic and conte crayon.

February 19, 2008

An owl done on brown butcher paper in charcoal. This fellow was a study for a cast aluminum relief. Maybe I'll post the final version here as a follow-up once I'm done with it.

February 18, 2008

Stacey on torn paper

Meet Stacey. You'll be seeing a lot of him. He's my roommate and partner. Fun fact: he is currently going through a transition to masculinize his body (he was born female). So I'll be doing several little portraits like this to document the changes on Testosterone. You can also keep up with his progress on his website, if you are so inclined.

February 14, 2008

skeleton study

skeleton study, originally uploaded by rowdyferret.

This is a figure drawing study using conte crayons on a piece of brown butcher paper. No humans were harmed in the making of this drawing.


madonna, originally uploaded by rowdyferret.

This mixed media piece from April 2007 is one of my favorites. It's not the best photo, but hopefully you can see the collaged newspapers and napkins that build up her form. Charcoal is also used for some outlining.

hands on cardboard

This piece is a studio snapshot. Hidden in the bottom of the photo I found something- A drawing I did in Spring 07 of a pair of hands in conte crayon on a piece of cardboard box.

Adi on legal pad

DSCN1051.JPG, originally uploaded by rowdyferret.

I thought to get things started, I'd post some older work that works in the theme of art using cheap materials. This is just a few different pens on a few pages of my legal pad (that it looks like I've recycled from taking notes with.) The date is December 2006.